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Sunday Bulletin


OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN https://www.parishesonline.com/organization/our-lady-of-providence-parishDownload
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Bulletin Submissions

We welcome submissions and suggestions to make our bulletin more informative for the parishioners. Please submit, in writing, requests to:

The usual deadline is each Friday at 12:00 noon. Early deadlines occur prior to holidays and Holy Week. Please submit a 125 word  (using word count) blurb via email to: ladyprov@olpstl.org.  Non-parish information will be published as space permits. Bulletin inserts are used when the information is too lengthy for a bulletin announcement, or special attention needs to be drawn to an event. All flyers and announcements inserted into the bulletin should be approved by the Pastor. Providing copies and inserting is the responsibility of the requesting organization or individual.

Bulletin requests can also be posted on the OLP Facebook page and sent to parishioners in our weekly email blasts.


The NEW bulletin deadline is Friday at noon.

Please submit a 125 word  (using word count) blurb via email to: ladyprov@olpstl.org

Please note that submissions MUST be submitted via email and are subject to available space and may be edited. We will make every effort to include your requests.


The local contact is Iris Mitchell at 314-974-4834, or Jon Becker at jbecker@4LPi.com or call 800-950-9952x2536.

LPi, our new bulletin publisher, has been working tirelessly since JS Paluch closed its doors.  We appreciate LPi picking up Our Lady of Providence and would appreciate it if you would support our advertisers.  If you have a business or friends with businesses, please ask them to contact Iris at 314-974-4834 to place an ad.  Thank you.