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St. Vincent de Paul Client Story

Posted on July 23, 2019 in: General News

St. Vincent de Paul Client Story

Since the beginning of 2019, your SVDP has helped several people with utilities, food, and rent payments: In May we were called and made a home visit to a couple who asked for rent assistance. When SVDP arrived we found a neighbor who had been struck by a hit and run vehicle with a broken ankle, no insurance and lost income. SVDP was able to make a down payment for medical attention and subsequent surgery. The couple was not able to make rent payment with the loss of income and evicted from their apartment. SVDP is continuing to assist to find shelter; they have been rejected from renting because of their poor credit; Fortunately, a friend of the couple has allowed them to stay in friend’s house for a short time.

This is not an OLP case but know that this can happen to anyone. If you know someone who lives within the OLP parish boundaries who needs some assistance, offer our confidential phone number 314-843-3570 x21.

Would you like to help change the lives of people in our neighborhood? If you are interested in becoming active in our St. Vincent de Paul group, contact Steve Kappel at srkmd@charter.net